“We turn the wheel of the year. We are time unfolding – seasons following seasons flowing through us, bodies, hearts, minds.”
~ Maeanna Welti


Lunar Radiance Circle
A Monthly New Moon Women’s Circle (7-9pm)
Once a month on the Wednesday closest to the New Moon
February 7, March 6
$25 drop in
$66 seasonal membership
Let us come together to navigate these transformational times. May we be held, supported and witnessed within a radiant community of women who are consciously showing up to life, in all the ways. Embracing the unknown, the beauty and the mess, while moving towards wholeness.
Come as you are with the simple willingness to be in community with women who are walking along alongside each other with open hearts. Longing for something more, with an ache to heal the world, and to heal themselves. Stoking the flames of their desire to discover, speak and live their truth. Reawakening the wild within and connecting to ancestral ways.
Let us remember the web of connection we weave when we are together.
For who and what we surround ourselves with becomes the fabric of our daily lives.
We will enliven our spirit, tune in to our inner landscape and connect to our core desires. Our gatherings will honour movement, meditation, breath, and connection to the Lunar cycle. Creating a deeper relationship with the seasons and cycles to embody the ways of nature and step into our radiance.
Drop in OR Devote yourself to gathering the medicine over 3 cycles through one full season ( Winter | Spring | Summer | or Fall ) with a Lunar Radiance Circle Seasonal Membership.

Introductory Lunar Charting Workshop
Sunday March 24th, 2024 | 1pm – 3pm
$125 includes “The New Moon Calendar Journal”
Lunar tracking is a practice that invites us into connection with the outer cycles of nature and our inner landscape. Tuning into our natural rhythms supports us in navigating the ever unfolding seasons of our lives with more compassion, joy and connection to our centre. It helps us to notice subtle shifts in energy and become more responsive to change.
Finding our rhythm with the moon supports self-study in relationship with nature; this practice illuminates the passing of time as a sacred expression of cycles.
For when we notice time in this way, we practice loving awareness and reverence for the conscious, creative living of our lives.
What to expect
—Guided breathwork to attune to your rhythm
—Introduction to the practice of lunar charting including symbolic language, the rhythm that runs through all cycles, setting aligned intentions, and suggestions for tracking.
—Creative practice to unearth your vision for the unfolding of the next 12 lunar cycles of 2024
—An exciting invitation to deepen your practice with self-study in relationship to cycles in a supportive community.
If you feel the call to invite more everyday magic into your life, and embrace your cyclical wellness with ease and flow, I am here to welcome you.

Sound Blessing
A sound blessing to inspire the art of noticing the seasonal medicine of winter
90 minute sound meditation and guided personal reflection — $60
This is a nourishing space to be invited into ceremony with ourselves, where we experience sound as a blessing, to inspire the noticing of the medicine of winter. And to deepen our connection to this season in understanding of our own inner cycles and sacred rhythm.
Winter is a time of powerful inward reflection when nature calls us to allow space for deep and radical rest. A time of deep listening in which to enter into relationship with the unknown. Exploring the ways we can draw wisdom from the darkness and the gifts of winter.
During this winter season, may we be called into the presence of the beauty of surrender, of the importance of rest as restoration, of expansive awareness, of time for visioning and making meaning and of gentle presence and grace, not only in remembrance of who we are, but also who we are becoming.
You may expect gentle breathwork, guided personal reflection and a meditative experience where you will be deeply supported in a restorative position, supported by the use of bolsters blankets, and eye pillows.
You will be invited into rest and restoration with the sound vibration of crystal singing bowls, chimes, tongue drum gong and nature soundscape.

Lunar Guidance
60 minutes – $152
Lunar charting is a transformational practice. A journey that will take you on a pilgrimage home to yourself. Whether you are seasoned in lunar charting or are new to the practice, this is an invitation to deepen your connection.
– Lunar phases and energetics
– Lunar charting – the use of symbols and orbits
– Setting intentions
– Elemental archetypes
– The art of noticing – identifying areas in your life that you want to chart
– Lunar astrology and zodiac cycles
– The wisdom of cycles within cycles
– Creative mandala practice
– Discovering your natal moon phase and how this energy inspires your life
– Identifying blocks and limiting beliefs, inviting abundance
– Reflection and release – identifying what feels in alignment and what needs to be released
Noticing is in my nature. It is how I communicate with the natural world, how I make sense of the world around me, the people I encounter along the way and the experiences that colour my life. It was the Moon that invited me into relationship with noticing and the realization that this noticing was indeed a gift, an expression of personal medicine meant to be shared with the world. She was a gateway into deeper connection with the natural world and a rhythmic self awareness that continues to inspire me to show up to my life in beauty and reverence.
Discover your natural rhythms through the lens of lunar cycles. The New Moon Calendar Journal created by April McMurtry of The Moon is My Calendar, is a tool for aligning with inner and outer cycles, and leads to the development of rhythmic intelligence. This beautiful journal is Nature’s healing container. A space to be in rhythm with circular time, to record health and wellness practices, to observe personal energetics and emotions, to set intentions, to explore creative practice, to identify patterns and to reflect and release and come to know that the end is truly the beginning.
The New Moon Calendar Journal is included in this offering.
Be invited into deeper relationship with nature and yourself. As a Moon Guide Facilitator with The Moon is my Calendar, I would be honoured to support you in this journey.
1:1 sessions and small group workshops available. A complimentary 1/2hr phone call to discuss the area of your interest is included before our session together. For group offerings, please reach out to discuss.
*All offerings are held in my sunshine filled home studio nestled in the Scarborough Bluffs. Also home to our sweet shepherd/retriever and two kitties, for those of you who need to be mindful of allergies.